QuyNham is a cross-cultural agency that believes that knowledge is not a local savoir-faire but rather a toolbox of information that is welcomed to be filled by any willing individual.
According to us, a project is not only limited to its functional, aesthetic dimension but should also be responsible. Quality of works and purpose of destination are the guidelines of our daily activity.
From general M&E engineering services to BIM development projects, we support our partners & clients by the most sustainable manner.
We do believe quality overrates quantity.
Any share of ideas is greatly appreciated from the
most experienced to the junior lad.
Since the first years of its independence in the eighties, the country succeeded not only by making up for the human and financial loss that had strangled the population but eventually turning to be a growing economy that would attract foreign investment, thanks to the hard working mind and courage of its citizens.
The variety and diversity of standard of services aims at attracting loads of foreigners from global corporations to the little individual seeking long-term development in the country. The general shift in industries from China to Vietnam due to the threat of the American taxes on merchandising products imported in the USA, has led to a phenomenon of “IP exodus” with industrial changing their development strategy to a neighbor country that is also likely to be a hub center in South East Asia (additionally to its continental routes, Vietnam benefits from its maritime borders).
This general interest for Vietnamese lands has led to the arrival of foreigners settling in the country in search of buying or leasing lands. Obviously, the virtuous circle brings up demands for residential premises from the company’s personnel plus services along.
However, does the notion of resilience resonate among these businesses and the people who create them?
Waste garbage in urban areas, pollution of all kinds in cities or rural areas… These are part of the consequences of the economy expansion.
Therefore, the challenge is to combine a guarantee for Vietnamese economic growth with a responsible and sensible consumption of natural resources.
The state has seriously considered this problematic: accordingly, to the Decree 11 issued in 2017, the government regulates the grid
connection to EVN networks and the Feed in Tariffs set at 9.35 cents/kWh. The objective is to orientate towards different kind of consumption, self-sustainable with the support of solar PV panels.
Not only the government should worry about the situation, but also the businesses. IP parks have their own prerequisites while greeting new industrial based on the provinces they are located in, which contributes to their image of sustainable entities too.
The construction world for instance with government incentives should turn to alternative ways to conceive a project, limiting the amount of waste and the release of noxious substances to the global environment.
Also, that is the responsibility of an engineering consultancy to propose alternative systems both functional and promising energy-efficiency plus sustainable parameters as a guideline for construction companies.
« We as QuyNham, hope to contribute with the tools
in our hand to push forward this direction of human progress. »